Makerfest 2023, Oct 18-19th

Members of WCOMP participated in Lima’s Makerfest on October 18 & 19. The Makerfest provided an opportunity for 1,400 students, high school freshman and sophomores, to learn about career opportunities in manufacturing. Participants include Cenoveus, Nutrien, Randall Bearings, Proctor & Gamble and SumiRiko.

Our members had interactive displays and were present to discuss career opportunities in our businesses. Students participated in an emergency response team building activity with Cenovus, use of agricultural drones with Nutrien, and viewed products produced by P&G, Randall, and SumiRiko.

The Makerfest event is designed to improve career opportunity awareness for high school students including career tech options along with traditional career pathways. The event was well received in the community and students who were interviewed had a positive view of the experience offered by this event.